Stop dyslexia letter reversals

Stop letter reversals with this method- free printable download!

Part of our typical development is learning that regardless of what angle we view an item from, it’s the same item.  This is called “mirror generalization” and is a natural developmental process. Then suddenly we start learning to read, which is NOT a natural developmental process, and our brain has to unlearn mirror generalization for letters like b/d and p/q.

This is why it’s normal for kids to have reversals when first learning to write. For most children this “unlearning” process happens before they are 8 years old. For children with dyslexia, who have difficulty with pairing letters to sounds, it can persist much longer. In order to help a child “unlearn” mirror generalization faster, we must help their brains recognize that directionality in letters has meaning. We do this very successfully in my clinic using a handwriting program created specifically for children with dyslexia and dysgraphia.

If you’d like a sample of how to use this technique for the most commonly reversed letters b/d use the link below.